Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Last day at Tokyo Riding Club

My 6 month placement at TRC finished this month, today was my last day there.
It was quite sad to say bye to all the horses, I will miss them. Yes, all 46 of them, even those that dribbled on/ mauled/ attempted to assasinate (delete as applicable) me.
I'll be going there for some riding lessons though, so I will see them all again.

For my last (free) ride, I got to ride....
wait for it......
What absolute sheer and utter luck. I was praying for it all day, and it happened.
He was my first ride and my last ride there :)
He was as good as gold, as usual.
We had our photo taken....

Yesterday, I had placement test for second semester at Keio.
It was... ya know, test-like. Easy in some parts, stupid in others.
Hope I didn't do exactly the same as I did on it last semester, or I'm in for a bollocking come Friday, when we have to go to meetings with our tutor.

Isn't it Easter soon?
I don't even know when it is. It could be today for all I know. (Except, you know, its a Tuesday, not a Sunday...)

1 comment:

  1. it's easter this sunday

    right you're shipping northy over

    that's all
