Absolutley love it.
Please note the sarcasm.
As many of you know, I hate exams with a passion. This is due to the fact that I have zero organisation, zero ability to read the question, and the attention span of a stone.
Basically, its major effort.
I just hate them, more than your average person.
But anyway.
So I took 3 classes this semester.
Japanese. Obviously.
Then I took 会話III and 文法III.
The 会話 sprung a test on me last week. I knew nothing about it until approximatley 12 hours before. Wrote the thing and learnt it within ten minutes and did rather well if I must say so myself. And thats the end of that.
Tomorrow I have a grammar exam. All the grammar is 二級 so I know it and blah. The only thing I am not looking forward to is 使役形 and 受け身形. I can understand them, but I can never remember which is which. For example if I was told to make this sentence 使役形 I would be like....whats that again? Arggh.. So I studied it today. But 自信がない in that department I'm afraid.
My Japanese class finishes on Monday, and we have a まとめ test and some kind of interview thing next week. The interivew is us babbling about some kind of Japanese item. You can basically pick anything aslong as its Japanese. There was a list we could choose from if we were stuck, Daruma & Manekineko, that kind of stuff. But YOU KNOW I LIKE TO BE DIFFERENT RIGHT? So I picked my very own topic, and I'm going to talk about 般若 masks. No doubt my teacher will be expecting me to bring a horse through the classroom doors, but she is mistaken.
(Although... Northy... would... enjoy.... no.)
So there you go. As of the 23rd of January I am officially off for two whole months (school atleast, I'll still be working.) Thank the lord. I need a break from studying. Whether thats valid or not, I just do.
In February my dear friend Smurf will be visiting from Manchester. We will have a jolly old time around Tokyo. I'm planning to take her to some places I haven't been myself yet too.
Also stay posted for the adventures of Rachel & Fumie and our imminent trip to Korea.
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