Thursday 19 November 2009


We have a week off because of some festival in Mita.
So today we went on a nice little day trip to Mount Takao, in Hachioji. To see some red treeees.

We saw them.

We also saw MONKIES! (You know how much I love monkiiieeeesss.)
So cuuuuuuute..

We walked alllll the way to the top..

Then on the way back down we became Tengu. And Eric became the post in the middle of the Tengu..
I was 大天狗 ofcourse, since it obviously takes a woman to be in charge.

It was very bloody cold up there.
We took the cablecars back down. SCARIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE. Going down a mountain, in a cablecar, that DOESN'T EVEN HAVE a seatbelt. Shocking.

Anyway, for more adventures on 高尾山, click here


  1. Oh wow, really wanted to go up there since it's only 30 mins away from here :O Looks amazing! So you recommend a hat huh

  2. yup it was really cold yesterday, not to mention wet.
    think i went through the place you are on the way back- didn't realise how far out you are!
    Anyway yeh you should go while the leaves are red! :P

  3. I suspect Cayley didn't go with you, considering how much "effort" it is for her to go get out of bed, let alone hiking...

  4. LOL no she did not.
    She shamed herself this week by not going to work because she had manflu.

  5. That monkey looks like you at a glance.
